Colours & Textures of India


I have now returned home from my trip to India and am slowly settling back in to Cornwall life. Being here feels like i’ve entered a different world and I am already missing the warmth and bright colours, but feel grateful that I was able to fully immerse myself in the country in the way that I did, and am i’m lucky I was able to see so much of it in the relatively short time that I was there.

I am full of new inspiration and have so many ideas for paintings I want to make and can’t wait to get started back in the studio. The colours, food, parades, diverse landscapes, beaches, people, markets, smells and sounds will all stay with me and am sure will filter into my new work in a myriad of ways.

It was an enriching 7 weeks full of adventure and excitement and I learnt so much about myself and my creativity, from having the time to look inwards and have returned feeling energised and full of hope for the months ahead.

The colours in India were absolutely incredible and looking back through my photos brings these all back so clearly. The colours that spring mind are Indigo blue, Indian red, Yellow Ochre, baby pink, Jade Green, Peach and the soft sand colours of the Desert. Going forwards I’m going to incorporate some of these pallets into my new work, as being around these brighter colours made me feel joyful and uplifted. I also want to create some paintings using softer, subtler colours inspired by the weathered walls, faded frescoes and pastel buildings I encountered. These quieter things all had an understated beauty and a power that drew me in and this is something I am also keen to explore now i’m home.


Where the Art Began Podcast


India Inspiration